On-site Programs
The Mock Legislature
The Mock Legislature allows students to participate in the parliamentary
process as a role-play activity. Using replicas of the apparel and the symbolic items used in the Legislature, guides lead students through the stages of passage of a Bill so that every student can participate in the debate. Download the teacher manual, script and student handbook.
Pehonan Theatre
The Pehonan Theatre uses a 360-degree screen and 4-D effects in the film Our People
Our Province, which celebrates the political and social history of Alberta.
Borealis Gallery
The Borealis Gallery in the Queen Elizabeth II Building features exhibitions exploring Alberta’s history, with a focus on sharing the stories of the Legislature, to educate Albertans on the role of parliamentary democracy in our province.
Democracy Discovery Centre
The Democracy Discovery Democracy Discovery Centre explores the workings of the Legislative Assembly, democratic governance and active citizenship through interactive activities and educational panels.
Watch Session
Observe the Assembly in action from the public gallery in the Alberta Legislature Building and experience the Legislative Assembly first-hand. Visitors can watch the Speaker's procession and Oral Question Period, listen to the deliberations of the Assembly
and be introduced to the Members of the Legislative Assembly. Please note that session dates are subject to change and are not guaranteed. Please reference the Assembly calendar when choosing a date.
Online Programs
Online educational programs are interactive presentations given by Visitor Services staff to encourage students to consider new perspectives. They can be delivered for a Grade 6 or Grade 9 level.
The Famous Five and the Persons Case
The Famous Five were an influential group of Albertan women who changed the course of history with the Persons Case. But what was the Persons Case and why did it matter? How did laws and historic events in Canada lead to this momentous battle? In this
in-depth virtual program, students will examine the branches of government and the role of the Senate through the story of the Famous Five.
The Media’s Role in Democracy
During the Great Depression in Alberta, the government became close to legislating the news Albertans could receive. How did the newspapers respond? And how did the Lieutenant Governor respond when the legislation fell on his desk to sign into law? This
grade six presentation explores how the idea of Freedom of the Press has changed over time in Canada, the role of the Lieutenant Governor in relation to the constitution, detecting media bias, and how a free press feeds into the cycle of active citizenship.
Watch Session
This flexible option allows viewers to watch live broadcasts or previous recordings. Viewers can watch the Speaker's procession and Oral Question Period, as well as listen to the full deliberations of the Assembly. This activity is not led by a Visitor
Services Staff person. Learn More