
Members of the Legislative Assembly represent people from each of Alberta’s 87 constituencies or electoral districts for the term of a Legislature.

Albertans expect and deserve the highest standard of public service from their elected representatives. Steadfast in their duty, MLAs spend their time in office working hard to warrant and maintain that trust and confidence. MLAs advocate for their constituents on provincial issues.

The last provincial election was held on May 29, 2023.

Find Your MLA

  Last Name First Name Constituency
John R. Boyle Boyle John R. Sturgeon
William F. Bredin Bredin William F. Athabasca
T. Allan Brick Brick T. Allan Peace River
Charles W. Cross Cross Charles W. Edmonton City
William H. Cushing Cushing William H. Calgary City
Anthony S. de Rosenroll de Rosenroll Anthony S. Wetaskiwin
Leverett G. DeVeber DeVeber Leverett G. Lethbridge
William T. Finlay Finlay William T. Medicine Hat
Charles W. Fisher Fisher Charles W. Banff
Cornelius Hiebert Hiebert Cornelius Rosebud
James B. Holden Holden James B. Vermilion
John P. Marcellus Marcellus John P. Pincher Creek
Matthew McCauley McCauley Matthew Vermilion
Henry W. McKenney McKenney Henry W. Saint Albert
Malcolm McKenzie McKenzie Malcolm Macleod
John R. McLeod McLeod John R. Ponoka
Donald McNabb McNabb Donald Lethbridge
John A. McPherson McPherson John A. Stony Plain
John T. Moore Moore John T. Red Deer
William F. Puffer Puffer William F. Lacombe
Ezra H. Riley Riley Ezra H. Gleichen
Albert J. Robertson Robertson Albert J. High River
Alexander C. Rutherford Rutherford Alexander C. Strathcona
William C. Simmons Simmons William C. Lethbridge
John A. Simpson Simpson John A. Innisfail
Charles A. Stuart Stuart Charles A. Gleichen
Robert T. Telford Telford Robert T. Leduc
Francis A. Walker Walker Francis A. Victoria
John W. Woolf Woolf John W. Cardston
10/24/2023 4:59 PM

Learn about the role of an MLA

The 87 elected Members of the Legislative Assembly serve all Albertans; the representative in a given constituency is best positioned to advocate on behalf of each of their constituents.
The role of an MLA

Member Contact list (CSV)


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