February 8, 2019

Standing Committee Asks for Input into Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act

Category: News

Edmonton – The Standing Committee on Families and Communities is reviewing the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act, which enables and establishes guidelines respecting the public disclosure of the annual compensation of employees of the Government of Alberta and members and employees of public agencies and other public-sector bodies in Alberta.

This will be the first review of the legislation since it came into force in 2015, and as part of its consideration the committee is inviting input from interested parties. Written submissions concerning the Act can be e-mailed to FamiliesCommunities.Committee@assembly.ab.ca or mailed to the Standing Committee on Families and Communities, c/o Committee Clerk, 3rd Floor, 9820-107th Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 1E7.

The deadline for providing a submission is March 5, 2019. It is important to note that submissions and the identities of authors may be made public. Details on the submission process and information on the legislation can be found at assembly.ab.ca/assembly-business/committees/FC

The Standing Committee on Families and Communities comprises 15 Members of the Legislative Assembly. On December 4, 2018, the Legislative Assembly of Alberta referred the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act review to the committee. The Committee began its review on December 20, 2018, and must submit its report to the Assembly within six months of this date.

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Tracey Sales, Communications Consultant
Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Phone: 780.415.9584
E-mail: tracey.sales@assembly.ab.ca

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