
The Standing Committee on Legislative Offices approves the budgets of the Officers of the Legislature, including the Auditor General, the Chief Electoral Officer, the Child and Youth Advocate, the Ethics Commissioner, the Information and Privacy Commissioner, the Ombudsman and the Public Interest Commissioner, and reviews the salaries of the officers on an annual basis. The committee reviews officers' requests regarding proposed changes to legislation and forwards the recommendation to the appropriate ministry; the committee does not have the mandate to approve changes to legislation.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

There are currently no scheduled meetings.
3/1/2025 12:56 AM

Standing Committees

Standing committees are permanent committees as established by the Standing Orders. Appointed at the start of each new Legislature, standing committees comprise nine or 10 Members of the Legislative Assembly and exist for the life of the Legislature although changes in membership may occur.

Committee Clerk
3rd Floor, 9820 – 107 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 1E7
Call: 780.644.8621 Fax: 780.427.5688

Meeting Minutes

Copies of approved meeting minutes can be accessed through the Legislature Library at

Legislature Library

Call: 780.427.2473

Committee Members (10)

Shane Getson

Mr. Shane Getson (Chair)

Glenn van Dijken

Mr. Glenn van Dijken (Deputy Chair)

Amanda Chapman

Ms Amanda Chapman

Nolan Dyck

Mr. Nolan Dyck

Janet Eremenko

Member Janet Eremenko

Jackie Lovely

Ms. Jackie Lovely

Rob Miyashiro

Member Rob Miyashiro

Chelsae Petrovic

Mrs. Chelsae Petrovic

David Shepherd

Mr. David Shepherd

Scott Sinclair

Mr. Scott Sinclair

Committees of the Assembly

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