The Modern Spaces

of the Queen Elizabeth II Building
The Queen Elizabeth II Building features a variety of modern venues, from small meeting rooms to expansive reception spaces, designed to support Legislative Assembly business.
These venues are available for booking by the government of Alberta and not-for-profit groups, subject to usage guidelines.

Compare the Spaces

Room Capacity
  Television Screens/Video Conferencing
Venue Room Type Floor Plan Image
Capital View
Reception spaces
City View
Reception spaces
Reception spaces
300 N/A
Meeting Rooms
Boreal Forest
Meeting Rooms
Canadian Shield
Meeting Rooms
Committee Rooms
Committee Rooms
Committee Rooms
Rocky Mountain
Committee Rooms

Explore the Spaces

Reception Spaces

200-300 people

There are three reception spaces available for booking.

Meeting Rooms

16-50 people

There are three multi-purpose meeting rooms available for booking. 

Committee Rooms

24-36 people

There are four committee rooms of various sizes available for booking.

Reception Spaces

200     |        

Located on the second floor, which is accessible via the grand staircase, the Capital and City View reception rooms feature large windows and captivating views. The rooms are equipped with A/V equipment for presentations and video conferencing. A microphone system and podium are also available. Clients may arrange for food service from the designated caterer or a caterer of their choice. See section on catering for policies. Limited Wi-Fi is available.

Photo shoots and personal events are not accommodated.

Elevator access is available to individuals with mobility concerns by proceeding to the security desk on the main floor concourse.

Up to five Canada and five Alberta flags are available upon request.

Capital View Room

Room capacity is 200 people, and a minimum of 60 participants is required to book.

City View Room

Room capacity is 200 people, and a minimum of 60 participants is required to book.



300     |      

The first floor concourse functions as a reception space that accommodates up to 300 people. A podium is available if requested in advance. Clients may choose to rent A/V equipment, tables and chairs, as needed. Food and drink are allowed, and clients may employ the services of any caterer on this floor.

Alcohol is not allowed on the concourse without special permission from Venue Services.

Meeting Rooms

16 to 50         |             

Meeting rooms include television screens, video conferencing equipment and Internet access. Food and beverages are permitted.

Aspen Room

This room seats 16 at a single boardroom table. It is equipped with a separate refreshment bar, a television screen and video conferencing system/equipment.

Boreal Forest

This room seats 48 at 12 rectangular tables that can be configured in multiple ways. It is equipped with a separate refreshment bar, a podium, television screens and video conferencing system/equipment.

Canadian Shield

This room seats 50 at five large round tables. It is equipped with a separate refreshment bar, a podium, television screens and video conferencing system/equipment.

Committee Rooms

24 to 36 +        |            

Committee rooms include built-in microphones, television screens, Internet access and teleconferencing and video conferencing systems. If teleconferencing is required, the event organizer must arrange for service through a provider. While beverages are permitted, food is prohibited.

Prohibited uses of committee rooms include and are not limited to:

  • Green room
  • Practice room
  • Waiting area
  • Change room
  • Hangout area

Venue Services reserves the right to approve or decline committee room reservations other than for the sole purpose of conducting a meeting.

Additional theatre-style seating accommodates an audience in the gallery.


This room seats 24 at the table. Additional seating is available in the gallery.


This room seats 36 at the table. Additional seating is available in the gallery. The space includes an adjoining breakout room for 10.


This room seats 24 at the table. Additional seating is available in the gallery.

Rocky Mountain

This room seats 36 at the table. Additional seating is available in the gallery. The space includes an adjoining breakout room for 10.

Queen Elizabeth II Building Venue Hours of Operation

Venue ServicesLoading Dock
8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.