Media Centre

Media fulfill an important function in the democratic process.

The Alberta Legislature is the centre of democracy in the province of Alberta, and a hub of activity and engagement, from parliamentary debate and committee proceedings to public events and educational programming. Please note that there are guidelines for Media covering activities at the Alberta Legislature.

Accessing the Grounds


The Alberta Legislature has limited media parking on the east side of the building. The Queen Elizabeth II Building has street parking and pay lots within the vicinity, but no  designated media parking. 

On-site Broadcasts

Broadcasters may require pre approval or have specific requirements when coming onsite for special events. 


Media guidelines when on-site.

These guidelines are intended to assist media in their work while maintaining the integrity of the Legislative Assembly, its committees and ceremonies.  

Observing Session

From the Chamber Floor


Registration is Required

On occasions when media photographers and videographers are allowed onto the Chamber floor, they are required to register by email. Registration details are provided for individual events in advance. Media will receive confirmation with pertinent information upon registration.

Chamber Passes Are Necessary

Registered media will be issued a Chamber pass by the Sergeant-at-Arms' Office prior to the ceremony that must be displayed on a lanyard and worn at all times while in the Chamber. Those with passes will be positioned in specific media area and must remain in that area. The pass must be returned to the Sergeant-at-Arms Office after the ceremony. 

Floor Space Is Limited

Floor space is limited in the Chamber and may have a maximum capacity for each event. Registered media will be given access to space on the floor on a first-come, first-served basis and must be in place 15 minutes prior to the ceremony.

Food or beverages are not allowed

Please consume drinks and snacks in the cafeteria on the first floor.

Use of mobile phones and laptops are prohibited

Please turn phones to silent prior to proceedings commencing.

No flash photography

Video recording and still photography are allowed.

Please wear business attire

Those wearing jeans or sneakers will not be permitted entry.

Attending Meetings


Taking Photo or Video

Photos, video and audio recordings of committee meetings by media are permitted at the discretion of the chair and subject to conditions set by the chair. Communications staff are on hand to assist the media and advise of any restrictions that may be in place.

Designated media areas are set aside in each committee room. Media are not permitted to approach the table or capture images of documents at the table, however, Communications is happy to facilitate interviews when appropriate
Concourse staircase and south end

Arranging Interviews

Interviews with committee members and guests are permitted during breaks and before and after meetings. Communications staff are happy to assist media with arranging interviews in appropriate locations outside of the committee rooms where they will not block entrances and exits. 

Please refrain from interviewing inside of a committee room or blocking doors or hallways.

Food is not allowed

Please consume food on the first floor concourse of the EFB.

Designated seating is limited

The public galleries have media seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

No flash photography

Video and still photography are allowed. There is limited space for camera tripods.

Please wear business attire

Those wearing jeans or sneakers may not be permitted entry.

Audio Feed Access

Members of the media can connect directly to the Legislative Assembly broadcast feed through ports near the gallery seating in the committee rooms for live audio of committee meetings.

Covering Events

Media regularly attend public events taking place outside of the Chamber, including in the rotunda, on the Legislature Grounds, at the Queen Elizabeth II Building or elsewhere.

Set up at rotunda events can vary. Sometimes media risers will be set up in a specific area to provide sightlines for media with minimal disruption to the ceremony or event, but this is not always possible. Media attending events should exercise professional judgement to ensure they do not disrupt the event or block the view of those in attendance. 

Advance registration may be required for some events.

Quoting Transcripts

Please use the Alberta Hansard transcript when publicly referencing Assembly and committee proceedings. 

The Alberta Hansard Blues are the first draft of Assembly transcripts. Verified members of the press gallery have access to the Blues for reference only. As they are subject to change, Blues should not be quoted or shared as the official transcript. These unofficial transcripts are typically available within one and a half hours after the words are spoken in the Chamber. Depending on committee activity, the Blues for committee transcripts may be available later.

A member of the press gallery not receiving copies of the Blues should email


Communications and Media

Watch the Assembly

Live and archived streams of Assembly and committee proceedings.

Watch the Legislative Assembly of Alberta and its committees in action, live or at your convenience.

Audio-Video Terms of Use

Grounds Map

Your guide to navigating the Legislature grounds.