
The Standing Committee on Families and Communities is a legislative policy committee with a mandate that relates to the areas of Children and Family Services; Education; Health; Justice; Mental Health and Addiction; Public Safety and Emergency Services; Seniors, Community and Social Services; Service Alberta and Red Tape Reduction.

Call for Written Submissions

Call for written Submissions

the Committee is accepting written submissions in relation to its review of the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act. Written submissions may be sent by email to, by mail to the Committee Clerk at the address below, or by using the online submission form.

The deadline for submissions is
January 31, 2024.

Please note that submissions and the names of submitters may be made public.

Click Here to Submit Online

Current Business

Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act

Upcoming Meeting Dates

There are currently no scheduled meetings.
3/28/2025 8:27 AM

Legislative Policy Committees

A legislative policy committee reviews Bills referred to it, and may review any regulation, amendment to a regulation or prospective regulation within its mandate either on its own initiative or at the request of a Minister. A committee may also, on its own initiative or at the request of a Minister, inquire into and report on public policy matters within its mandate or inquire into, consider and report on any matter within its remit referred to it by the Assembly. Referrals of Bills, regulations or other subject matter by order of the Assembly take priority over any other hearing or inquiry. All legislative policy committees are standing committees, and thus exist for the life of a Legislature. 

Committee Clerk
3rd Floor, 9820 – 107 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 1E7
Call: 780.644.8621 Fax: 780.427.5688

Meeting Minutes

Copies of approved meeting minutes can be accessed through the Legislature Library at

Legislature Library

Call: 780.427.2473

Committee Members (10)

Nicole Goehring

Ms. Nicole Goehring (Deputy Chair)

Diana Batten

Member Diana Batten

Sharif Haji

Mr. Sharif Haji

Jennifer Johnson

Mrs. Jennifer Johnson

Brandon Lunty

Mr. Brandon Lunty

Myles McDougall

Mr. Myles McDougall

Chelsae Petrovic

Mrs. Chelsae Petrovic

Peter Singh

Mr. Peter Singh

Lizette Tejada

Member Lizette Tejada

Committees of the Assembly

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