March 8, 2024

Select Special Conflicts of Interest Review Committee Invites Input as it Reviews Conflicts of Interest Act

Category: Notices

EDMONTON – The Select Special Conflicts of Interest Act Review Committee is accepting written submissions in relation to its review of the Conflicts of Interest Act, which establishes conflict rules and reporting requirements for Members of the Legislative Assembly, members of Executive Council and others. This Act contributes to building public confidence in the integrity of elected officials.

The Committee is accepting written submissions from Albertans on the Conflicts of Interest Act. The submission deadline is 4:30 p.m. on Monday, April 8, 2024.

Written submissions may be provided to the Committee via the following communication channels:

- Online submission form
- Email:
- Mail:  Select Special Conflicts of Interest Committee, c/o Committee Clerk
3rd Floor, 9820 - 107 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 1E7

The submissions and the identities of authors may be made public.

More information about the Committee’s mandate and the Act may be found at:

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Media Inquires:

Christina Steenbergen, Supervisor, Communications Services
Legislative Assembly of Alberta

News and Announcements