View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 11, Session 5 (1952)
Legislature 11, Session 5 (1952)
An Act respecting The Bulk Oil and Gas Agents Association
An Act to Incorporate the Alberta Safety Council
An Act to amend Chapter 74 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1946, being an Act to Incorporate the Highwood Western Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate The Religious Hospitallers of Hotel Dieu of St. Joseph
An Act to amend The Municipal Districts' Office Employees' Superannuation Act, 1948
An Act for Granting to Her Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service for the Fiscal Years ending Respectively the Thirty-first day of March, 1952, and the Thirty-first day of March, 1953
An Act respecting the University of Alberta Hospital
An Act to amend The University Hospital Act
An Act to amend The Public Utilities Act
An Act respecting School Buildings Assistance
An Act to Validate an Order in Council Authorizing the City of Medicine Hat to Enter into a Certain Agreement with Calgary Power Limited, Relating to an Extension of the Medicine Hat Power Plant
An Act to repeal The Stallion Enrolment Act
An Act to amend The Highways Department Act
An Act respecting Towns and Villages
An Act to amend The Intestate Succession Act
An Act to amend The Seizures Act
An Act to amend The Woodmen's Lien Act
An Act to amend The Statutes Act
An Act to amend The Execution Creditors Act
An Act to amend The Slot Machine Act
An Act to amend The Department of Industries and Labour Act
An Act to repeal The Provincial Industries Development Act
An Act to amend The Metis Population Betterment Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Government Purchasing Agency Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Evidence Act
An Act to amend The Land Titles Act
An Act to amend The Civil Servants War Service Act
An Act to amend The Department of Economic Affairs Act
An Act to amend The Economic Research Bureau Act
An Act respecting Industrial Development
An Act to amend The Public Service Act, 1947
An Act to amend The Dairymen's Act, 1950
An Act to amend The Vegetable Sales (Alberta) Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Insurance Act
An Act to amend The Lloydminster Municipal Amalgamation Act, 1930
An Act to amend The Controverted Municipal Elections Act
An Act to amend The Early Closing Act
An Act to amend The Tax Recovery Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Election Act
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
An Act respecting the Revised Statutes of Alberta
An Act to amend The Alberta Corporation Income Tax Act, 1949
An Act respecting Schools
An Act to amend The Public Lands Act
An Act to confirm Order in Council No. 982-51, dated the 5th day of July, 1951
An Act respecting the Practice of Chiropody
An Act to amend The Dental Association Act
An Act to amend The Solemnization of Marriage Act
An Act respecting Blind Persons Allowances
An Act Authorizing the Payment of Supplementary Allowances to Recipients of Old Age Security, Blind Persons Allowances and Old Age Assistance
An Act to amend The Assessment Act
An Act to amend The Civil Service Salary Garnishment Act
An Act respecting Old Age Assistance
An Act to amend The Bureau of Public Welfare Act
An Act to amend The Bills of Sale Act
An Act to amend The Conditional Sales Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Land Surveyors Act
An Act to amend The Self-Liquidating Projects Act
An Act to amend The Amusements Act
An Act respecting Pipe Lines
An Act to amend The Public Service Vehicles Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Surveys Act
An Act to amend The Surveys and Expropriation Act
An Act to amend The Department of Education Act
An Act to amend The School Grants Act, 1945
An Act to amend The Noxious Weeds Act
An Act to amend The Public Health Act
An Act to amend The Town and Rural Planning Act
An Act to amend The Hospitals Act
An Act respecting the Practice of Naturopathy
An Act to amend The Mental Diseases Act
An Act to create the Alberta Academy
An Act to amend The Water, Gas, Electric and Telephone Companies Act
An Act to repeal The Juvenile Offenders Act
An Act to provide for the Establishment of Family Courts
An Act to amend The County Act
An Act to amend The City Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Chartered Accountants Act
An Act to provide for the Constitution and Establishment of the Juvenile Court
An Act to amend The Co-operative Marketing Associations Guarantee Act
An Act to amend The Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnity Act
An Act to amend The Nursing Service Act
An Act respecting Widows' Pensions
An Act to amend The Maternity Hospitalization Act
An Act to amend The Municipal Assistance Act
An Act to amend The Vendors' and Mortgagees' Costs Exaction Act
An Act to amend The Quarries Regulation Act
An Act to amend The Municipal Hospitals Act
An Act to amend The Oil and Gas Resources Conservation Act, 1950
An Act to amend The Health Unit Act
An Act to amend The Child Welfare Act
An Act to amend The Forest Reserves Act
An Act to amend The Telephone and Telegraph Act
An Act to amend The Real Estate Agents' Licensing Act
An Act to amend The Vehicles and Highway Traffic Act
An Act to amend the Municipal District Act
An Act to amend The Mines and Minerals Act
An Act to amend The Forests Act
An Act to amend The Water Resources Act
An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1948
An Act to amend the Seed-Control Areas Act
An Act to provide for the Exercise of any Right of Entry and for the Determination of Compensation to be Paid Therefor
An Act to Co-operate with the Government of Canada and Other Public Authorities in the Provision of Housing
An Act to amend The Mechanics' Lien Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Architects Act
An Act to amend The Public Works Department Act, 1951
An Act to Authorize the Execution on Behalf of the Province of a Tax Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta
An Act to amend The Government Liquor Control Act of Alberta
An Act to amend The Agricultural Service Board Act
An Act to amend The Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act
An Act respecting the Transfer of Assets of the New West Irrigation District
An Act to amend The Teachers' Retirement Fund Act
An Act to amend The Civil Defence and Disaster Act
5/9/2024 4:44 AM

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