View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 2, Session 3 (1911-1912)
Legislature 2, Session 3 (1911-1912)
An Act respecting Rural Municipalities
An Act to Amend the Act incorporating the Canadian Northern Western Railway Company
An Act respecting The Alberta Pacific Railway Company
An Act respecting the Punishment of Corrupt Practices at Municipal Elections and the Trial of Controverted Municipal Elections
An Act to regulate Travelling on Public Highways and Bridges
An Act to regulate the Speed and Operation of Motor Vehicles on Highways
An Act to Incorporate The Alberta Christian Missionary Society
An Act to incorporate Les Filles de la Sagesse
An Act to Incorporate The Ruthenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
An Act to amend Chapter 42 of the Statutes of Alberta 1910 (Second Session), intituled "An Act respecting The Lethbridge Young Men's Christian Association"
An Act respecting the Town of Camrose
An Act respecting Towns
An Act to authorize Freeman W. Robinson to Practise Dentistry
An Act to amend the Medical Profession Act
An Act to Validate and Confirm two certain By-laws of the Town of Macleod
An Act to Validate and Confirm Certain By-laws of the Town of Wainwright
An Act to Incorporate the Athabasca Valley Railway Company
An Act respecting the Municipal and School Elections of the Cities of Edmonton and Strathcona for the year 1911
An Act to amend the Medicine Hat Charter
An Act respecting the Operation and Inspection of Boilers
An Act to amend The Alberta Club Ordinance
An Act to Amend Chapter 35 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1910 (Second Session), being an Act to Incorporate Calgary College
An Act to Amend the Acts and Ordinances relating to the City of Calgary and to validate certain By-laws of the said city
An Act respecting the Department of Railways and Telephones
An Act to incorporate The Empire Club
An Act to incorporate The Edmonton Country Club
An Act to amend Chapter 12 of the Ordinances of the North-West Territories, 1902, being an Ordinance to incorporate the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Athabasca
An Act respecting the City of Edmonton and the City of Strathcona and other matters relating to the union thereof
An Act to Incorporate Western Canada Mortgage Corporation
An Act to Amend Chapter 49 of the Statutes of Alberta of 1910 (Second Session), being an Act to Incorporate the Edmonton Interurban Railway Company
An Act to permit the Council of the City of Edmonton without referring the matter to the Burgesses to enter into an Agreement with the Calgary and Edmonton Railway Company and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the purpose of varying a certain Agreement made between said City and said Companies and set out as a Schedule to Chapter 5 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1910 (First Session)
An Act respecting Gophers
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue Fund of Alberta
An Act to Amend the Herd Ordinance
An Act to Incorporate The Edmonton City Mission Association of the Methodist Church
An Act to further amend The Edmonton Charter and to confirm certain By-laws of the City of Edmonton
An Act for the Payment of Wages Fortnightly
An Act to Validate and Confirm certain By-laws of the City of Calgary and Agreements executed thereunder Granting Certain Franchises
An Act to Incorporate The South East Calgary Electric Railway Company
An Act to regulate the Practice of Optometry
An Act to Incorporate The Alberta Commercial Travellers Association
An Act respecting Surveys
An Act to amend Chapter 27 of the Statutes of 1907 of the Province of Alberta, being an Act to Incorporate the Knee Hill Railway Company, and to change the name of the said Company
An Act to Incorporate the Alberta Metropolitan Railway Company
An Act to Provide for the Early Closing of Shops
An Act to Validate and Confirm By-law Number Three of the Town of Carmangay
An Act to incorporate The Colonial Club
An Act to Incorporate the Alberta Sunday School Association
An Act to Confirm By-law No. 335 of the City of Edmonton and a Certain Agreement entered into between the Corporation of the City of Edmonton and the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company, Limited
An Act to incorporate The Lethbridge Exhibition Board
An Act to Incorporate The Bassano Electric Railway
An Act to Incorporate The Maharg Electric Railway Company
An Act respecting the Department of Municipal Affairs
An Act to Amend the Act respecting Public Printing
An Act to Incorporate the Moose Mountain Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate the Apostolic Syndics of the Franciscan Friars
An Act to Empower The Mountain Park Coal Company, Limited, to Construct and Operate a Colliery Railway
An Act to Amend Ordinance Number 29 of the Ordinances of the North-West Territories 1892, intituled "An Ordinance to Incorporate the Town of Macleod," and to Amend Chapter 56 of the Acts of 1906
An Act to change the name of The Elks Club of Edmonton to "The Northern Club," and for other purposes
An Act respecting the Town of Tofield
An Act to authorize Joseph Boulanger to Practise Medicine
An Act to incorporate the Magrath Railway Company, Limited
An Act to amend The Edmonton Club Ordinance
An Act to Validate and Confirm By-laws Numbers 1 and 2 of the Town of Blairmore
An Act to validate and confirm certain By-laws and Agreements of certain Towns in the Province of Alberta, granting certain franchises to The Canadian Western Natural Gas, Light, Heat and Power Company, Limited, for supplying gas to the said Towns and Inhabitants thereof and to authorize the said Company to construct certain gas pipe lines and works in the Province of Alberta
An Act to validate and confirm Certain By-laws of the City of Calgary
An Act to regulate the Survey, Registration and Sale of Townsite and Subdivision Properties
An Act to Incorporate the Crow's Nest Pass Street Railway Company
An Act to Incorporate the Edmonton Military Institute
An Act to Incorporate The Alberta Fidelity Trust Company
An Act to grant the Town of Stettler, in Alberta, Increased Borrowing Powers
An Act to Incorporate The Medicine Hat Electric Railway Company
An Act respecting Hail Insurance
An Act to give effect to Certain Provisions of the Dominion Lands Surveys Act in relation to Property and Civil Rights in the Province of Alberta
An Act to Regulate Pool Rooms
An Act to Amend the Liquor License Ordinance
An Act to regulate Theatres, Entertainment Halls and Cinematographs
An Act to amend the Statute Law
An Act to regulate the Means of Egress from Public Buildings
An Act to Amend the Dental Profession Act
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Services of the Fiscal Years ending respectively December 31, 1911, and December 31, 1912
An Act to Amend The Railway Act
An Act to authorize the Guarantee of Certain Securities of The Edmonton, Dunvegan and British Columbia Railway Company
An Act to authorize the Guarantee of Certain Securities of The Canadian Northern Railway Company
An Act to authorize the Guarantee of Certain Securities of The Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Company
An Act to authorize the Guarantee of Certain Securities of The Canadian Northern Western Railway Company
5/9/2024 12:50 PM

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