View all Bills of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta from 1906 to the current Legislature.

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Legislature 4, Session 1 (1918)
Legislature 4, Session 1 (1918)
An Act to amend the Medicine Hat Charter
An Act to amend Chapter 38 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1910 (Second Session), being The Alberta Pharmaceutical Association Act
An Act to amend The Lethbridge City Charter
An Act to amend The Wetaskiwin Charter
An Act to amend the Acts constituting the Edmonton Charter, and to validate and confirm certain By-laws of the City of Edmonton
An Act to increase the Powers of the Village of Peace River
An Act to amend the Acts and Ordinances constituting the Charter of the City of Calgary
An Act to incorporate The Calgary and South-Western Railway Company
An Act to incorporate The United Farmers of Alberta
An Act to amend the Statute Law
The Workmen's Compensation Act
An Act to amend the Sale of Shares Act
An Act to Supplement the Revenue of the Province
An Act to incorporate the War Veterans' Next-of-kin Association
An Act to amend The Official Guardian Act
The Provincial Arms Act
An Act to amend The Liquor Act
An Act to incorporate the Canadian Home Insurance Company
An Act to amend The School Ordinance, The School Assessment Ordinance, The School Grants Act, and The School Attendance Act
An Act to amend The Dower Act
An Act respecting Improvement Districts
An Act to empower Municipal Districts to Borrow Money on Government Guarantee to Supply Seed Grain to Settlers
An Act to amend The Patriotic Tax Act
An Act to amend The Public Utilities Act
An Act to amend The Village Act
An Act to amend The Town Act
An Act to amend The Timber Areas Tax Act
An Act to amend The Mines Act
An Act to amend Chapter 10 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1910 (Second Session), and amendments thereto, cited as "The Provincial Loans Act"
An Act to amend The Treasury Department Act, being Chapter 5 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1906
An Act to amend Chapter 2 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1917, cited as "An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue of Alberta"
An Act for Raising Money on the Credit of the General Revenue of Alberta
An Act respecting Steam Boilers
An Act to amend The Trust Companies Ordinance
An Act to provide for the Collection of a Tax on Persons attending Places of Amusement
The Municipal Hospitals Act, 1918
An Act to provide for a System of Highways in the Province
An Act respecting the Unauthorized Use of Court Forms
An Act to create Liens in favour of Mechanics and Others
An Act respecting the Recovery of Small Debts
An Act to amend The Live Stock Encouragement Act
Arrears of Taxes Act
An Act to amend The Rural Municipality Act
An Act to amend The Alberta Insurance Act
An Act to amend The Libel and Slander Act
An Act to amend The Succession Duties Act
An Act to amend The Dairymen's Act
The Municipal Hail Insurance Act
An Act respecting Advances for the Purchase of Seed Grain and the Securities for the Repayment Thereof
An Act to amend The Legislative Assembly Act
The Mine Owners' Tax Act
An Act for the Prevention of Venereal Disease
An Act to amend An Act respecting Subdivisions
An Act for Granting to His Majesty Certain Sums of Money for the Public Service of the Fiscal Years ending respectively the Thirty-first day of December, 1917, and the Thirty-first day of December, 1918, and from the First day of January, 1919, up to the date of final passage of the Estimates for the Fiscal Year ending the Thirty-first day of December, 1919
An Act to amend An Act to Supplement the Revenues of the Crown in the Province of Alberta
An Act to provide for the Appointment of Commissioners for the Promotion of Uniformity of Legislation in Canada
An Act to provide for the Regulation of the Public Service
An Act to provide for the Regulation of Liquor Export Warehouses
An Act to provide for the Winding-up of the Alberta Farmers' Co-operative Elevator Company, Ltd.
An Act to amend The Companies Act, 1913
An Act to amend The Factories Act
An Act to amend an Act for the Relief of Volunteers and Reservists, being Chapter 6 of the Statutes of 1916
An Act for the Relief of Mortgagors and Purchasers
An Act to amend The Corporations Taxation Act, being Chapter 19 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1907
An Act to provide for the Guarantee of Loans Raised by the Municipal Hail Insurance Board of Alberta
5/9/2024 8:06 AM

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