
Members of the Legislative Assembly represent people from each of Alberta’s 87 constituencies or electoral districts for the term of a Legislature.

Albertans expect and deserve the highest standard of public service from their elected representatives. Steadfast in their duty, MLAs spend their time in office working hard to warrant and maintain that trust and confidence. MLAs advocate for their constituents on provincial issues.

The last provincial election was held on May 29, 2023.

Find Your MLA

  Last Name First Name Constituency
Anders O. Aalborg Aalborg Anders O. Alexandra
Antonio Aloisio Aloisio Antonio Athabasca
Ronald E. Ansley Ansley Ronald E. Leduc
Floyd M. Baker Baker Floyd M. Clover Bar
George E. Bell Bell George E. Gleichen
Paul R. Brecken Brecken Paul R. Calgary
Wilson E. Cain Cain Wilson E. Bow Valley-Empress
Ivan Casey Casey Ivan Okotoks-High River
Peter Chaba Chaba Peter Redwater
John E. Clark Clark John E. Stettler
Frederick C. Colborne Colborne Frederick C. Calgary
William R. Cornish Cornish William R. Vermilion
Wallace W. Cross Cross Wallace W. Hand Hills
Peter Dawson Dawson Peter Little Bow
J.A. Roméo Desfossés Desfossés J.A. Roméo Grouard
Arthur J. Dixon Dixon Arthur J. Calgary
Nick W. Dushenski Dushenski Nick W. Willingdon
Adolph O. M. Fimrite Fimrite Adolph O. M. Spirit River
Clarence E. Gerhart Gerhart Clarence E. Acadia-Coronation
Edgar H. Gerhart Gerhart Edgar H. Edmonton
W. Floyd Gilliland Gilliland W. Floyd Peace River
Leonard C. Halmrast Halmrast Leonard C. Warner
Howard G. Hammell Hammell Howard G. Didsbury
Earl M. Hardy Hardy Earl M. Bruce
James Hartley Hartley James Macleod
John C. 'Jack' Hillman Hillman John C. 'Jack' Sedgewick
Edgar W. 'Ted' Hinman Hinman Edgar W. 'Ted' Cardston
Alfred J. Hooke Hooke Alfred J. Rocky Mountain House
Glen F. Johnston Johnston Glen F. Ponoka
J.P. Laudas Joly Joly J.P. Laudas Bonnyville
Robin D. Jorgenson Jorgenson Robin D. Pembina
W.J. Cameron Kirby Kirby W.J. Cameron Red Deer
William A. Kovach Kovach William A. Pincher Creek-Crowsnest
John C. 'Jack' Landeryou Landeryou John C. 'Jack' Lethbridge
Lorne L. Leavitt Leavitt Lorne L. Banff-Cochrane
Roy S. Lee Lee Roy S. Taber
Harry Lobay Lobay Harry Lac La Biche
Howard B. Macdonald Macdonald Howard B. Calgary
Hugh J. MacDonald MacDonald Hugh J. Calgary
Ernest C. Manning Manning Ernest C. Edmonton
William Masson Masson William Wainwright
J. Lucien P. Maynard Maynard J. Lucien P. St. Albert
Ira McLaughlin McLaughlin Ira Grande Prairie
Angelo M. Montemurro Montemurro Angelo M. Lac Ste. Anne
Frederick J.A. Niddrie Niddrie Frederick J.A. Olds
J. Percy Page Page J. Percy Edmonton
A. Russell Patrick Patrick A. Russell Lacombe
Michael H. Ponich Ponich Michael H. Vegreville
J. Harper Prowse Prowse J. Harper Edmonton
Raymond Reierson Reierson Raymond St. Paul
Elizabeth G. Robinson Robinson Elizabeth G. Medicine Hat
John L. 'Doc' Robinson Robinson John L. 'Doc' Medicine Hat
Elmer E. Roper Roper Elmer E. Edmonton
J. Donovan Ross Ross J. Donovan Edmonton
Chester I. Sayers Sayers Chester I. Camrose
Harold E. Tanner Tanner Harold E. Edmonton
Gordon E. Taylor Taylor Gordon E. Drumheller
James M. Underdahl Underdahl James M. Cypress
David A. Ure Ure David A. Red Deer
Rosamond 'Rose' E. Wilkinson Wilkinson Rosamond 'Rose' E. Calgary
Norman A. Willmore Willmore Norman A. Edson
John A. Wingblade Wingblade John A. Wetaskiwin
Cornelia L. R. Wood Wood Cornelia L. R. Stony Plain
Clover Bar
Bow Valley-Empress
Okotoks-High River
Little Bow
Rocky Mountain House
Pincher Creek-Crowsnest
Lac La Biche
Grande Prairie
Lac Ste. Anne
Red Deer
2/25/2025 1:36 PM

Learn about the role of an MLA

The 87 elected Members of the Legislative Assembly serve all Albertans; the representative in a given constituency is best positioned to advocate on behalf of each of their constituents.
The role of an MLA

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