
Members of the Legislative Assembly represent people from each of Alberta’s 87 constituencies or electoral districts for the term of a Legislature.

Albertans expect and deserve the highest standard of public service from their elected representatives. Steadfast in their duty, MLAs spend their time in office working hard to warrant and maintain that trust and confidence. MLAs advocate for their constituents on provincial issues.

The last provincial election was held on May 29, 2023.

Find Your MLA

  Last Name First Name Constituency
J. Allen 'Boomer' Adair Adair J. Allen 'Boomer' Peace River
Gerard J. Amerongen Amerongen Gerard J. Edmonton-Meadowlark
Charles E. Anderson Anderson Charles E. St. Paul
Dennis L. Anderson Anderson Dennis L. Calgary-Currie
Frank P. Appleby Appleby Frank P. Athabasca
John S. Batiuk Batiuk John S. Vegreville
Robert J. Bogle Bogle Robert J. Taber-Warner
Elmer E. Borstad Borstad Elmer E. Grande Prairie
Frederick D. Bradley Bradley Frederick D. Pincher Creek-Crowsnest
Walter A. Buck Buck Walter A. Clover Bar
Murray J. 'Jack' Campbell Campbell Murray J. 'Jack' Rocky Mountain House
David J. Carter Carter David J. Calgary-Millican
Thomas W. Chambers Chambers Thomas W. Edmonton-Calder
Catherine Chichak Chichak Catherine Edmonton-Norwood
Lewis M. 'Mickey' Clark Clark Lewis M. 'Mickey' Drumheller
Robert C. Clark Clark Robert C. Olds-Didsbury
Roland 'Rollie' D.B. Cook Cook Roland 'Rollie' D.B. Edmonton-Glengarry
John W. 'Jack' Cookson Cookson John W. 'Jack' Lacombe
Neil S. Crawford Crawford Neil S. Edmonton-Parkallen
Shirley A. Cripps Cripps Shirley A. Drayton Valley
Bill W. Diachuk Diachuk Bill W. Edmonton-Beverly
Sheila B. Embury Embury Sheila B. Calgary-North West
E. LeRoy Fjordbotten Fjordbotten E. LeRoy Macleod
Myrna C. Fyfe Fyfe Myrna C. St. Albert
John A. Gogo Gogo John A. Lethbridge-West
Graham L. Harle Harle Graham L. Stettler
Alois P. Hiebert Hiebert Alois P. Edmonton-Gold Bar
Hugh M. Horner Horner Hugh M. Barrhead
James D. Horsman Horsman James D. Medicine Hat
Alan W. Hyland Hyland Alan W. Cypress
Louis D. Hyndman Hyndman Louis D. Edmonton-Glenora
Ernest D. Isley Isley Ernest D. Bonnyville
Archibald 'Dick' Johnston Johnston Archibald 'Dick' Lethbridge-East
L. Gordon Kesler Kesler L. Gordon Olds-Didsbury
David T. King King David T. Edmonton-Highlands
Peter Knaak Knaak Peter Edmonton-Whitemud
Kenneth R. Kowalski Kowalski Kenneth R. Barrhead
Julian G.J. Koziak Koziak Julian G.J. Edmonton-Strathcona
Henry Kroeger Kroeger Henry Chinook
Stanley A. Kushner Kushner Stanley A. Calgary-Mountain View
C. Mervin Leitch Leitch C. Mervin Calgary-Egmont
Mary J. LeMessurier LeMessurier Mary J. Edmonton-Centre
Andrew Little Little Andrew Calgary-McCall
E. Peter Lougheed Lougheed E. Peter Calgary-West
Thomas F.L. Lysons Lysons Thomas F.L. Vermilion-Viking
William L. Mack Mack William L. Edmonton-Belmont
Norman F. Magee Magee Norman F. Red Deer
Frederick T. Mandeville Mandeville Frederick T. Bow Valley
Stewart 'Stu' A. McCrae McCrae Stewart 'Stu' A. Calgary-Foothills
Donald J. McCrimmon McCrimmon Donald J. Ponoka
James E. 'Bud' Miller Miller James E. 'Bud' Lloydminster
Marvin E. Moore Moore Marvin E. Smoky River
Eric  W. C. Musgreave Musgreave Eric W. C. Calgary-McKnight
W. Grant Notley Notley W. Grant Spirit River-Fairview
Edwin A. Oman Oman Edwin A. Calgary-North Hill
Connie Osterman Osterman Connie Three Hills
Milton G. Pahl Pahl Milton G. Edmonton-Mill Woods
Kenneth R.H. Paproski Paproski Kenneth R.H. Edmonton-Kingsway
William E. Payne Payne William E. Calgary-Fish Creek
Nigel I. Pengelly Pengelly Nigel I. Innisfail
Hugh L. Planche Planche Hugh L. Calgary-Glenmore
William F. Purdy Purdy William F. Stony Plain
Ian W. C. Reid Reid Ian W. C. Edson
David J. Russell Russell David J. Calgary-Elbow
Horst A. L. Schmid Schmid Horst A. L. Edmonton-Avonmore
Dallas W. Schmidt Schmidt Dallas W. Wetaskiwin-Leduc
Lawrence R. Shaben Shaben Lawrence R. Lesser Slave Lake
Thomas L. Sindlinger Sindlinger Thomas L. Calgary-Buffalo
Raymond A. Speaker Speaker Raymond A. Little Bow
Greg Stevens Stevens Greg Banff-Cochrane
Charles Stewart Stewart Charles Wainwright
Gordon E. Stromberg Stromberg Gordon E. Camrose
John M. Thompson Thompson John M. Cardston
George Topolnisky Topolnisky George Redwater-Andrew
Peter Trynchy Trynchy Peter Whitecourt
P. Neil Webber Webber P. Neil Calgary-Bow
Norman A. Weiss Weiss Norman A. Lac La Biche-McMurray
George K. Wolstenholme Wolstenholme George K. Highwood
Henry Woo Woo Henry Edmonton-Sherwood Park
Leslie G. Young Young Leslie G. Edmonton-Jasper Place
John B. Zaozirny Zaozirny John B. Calgary-Forest Lawn
Grande Prairie
Pincher Creek-Crowsnest
Clover Bar
Rocky Mountain House
Drayton Valley
Calgary-North West
St. Albert
Edmonton-Gold Bar
Medicine Hat
Calgary-Mountain View
Smoky River
Spirit River-Fairview
Calgary-North Hill
Three Hills
Edmonton-Mill Woods
Calgary-Fish Creek
Stony Plain
Lesser Slave Lake
Lac La Biche-McMurray
Edmonton-Sherwood Park
Edmonton-Jasper Place
Calgary-Forest Lawn
2/25/2025 1:36 PM

Learn about the role of an MLA

The 87 elected Members of the Legislative Assembly serve all Albertans; the representative in a given constituency is best positioned to advocate on behalf of each of their constituents.
The role of an MLA

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