
Members of the Legislative Assembly represent people from each of Alberta’s 87 constituencies or electoral districts for the term of a Legislature.

Albertans expect and deserve the highest standard of public service from their elected representatives. Steadfast in their duty, MLAs spend their time in office working hard to warrant and maintain that trust and confidence. MLAs advocate for their constituents on provincial issues.

The last provincial election was held on May 29, 2023.

Find Your MLA

  Last Name First Name Constituency
Henry B. 'Harry' Atkins Atkins Henry B. 'Harry' Didsbury
George R. Barker Barker George R. Lac Ste. Anne
Thomas H. Blow Blow Thomas H. South Calgary
Lucien Boudreau Boudreau Lucien St. Albert
John R. Boyle Boyle John R. Sturgeon
Robert E. Campbell Campbell Robert E. Rocky Mountain
Jean L. Côté Côté Jean L. Grouard
Herbert H. Crawford Crawford Herbert H. South Edmonton
Charles W. Cross Cross Charles W. Edson
Charles O. Cunningham Cunningham Charles O. Ponoka
William M. Davidson Davidson William M. North Calgary
Alfred 'Fred' T. Davis Davis Alfred 'Fred' T. Gleichen
Robert B. Eaton Eaton Robert B. Hand Hills
Arthur W. Ebbett Ebbett Arthur W. Vermilion
Albert F. Ewing Ewing Albert F. West Edmonton
Charles W. Fisher Fisher Charles W. Cochrane
John J. Gaetz Gaetz John J. Red Deer
Wilfrid Gariepy Gariepy Wilfrid Beaver River
Andrew Gilmour Gilmour Andrew Lacombe
George Hoadley Hoadley George Okotoks
George E. L. Hudson Hudson George E. L. Wainwright
John H.W.S. Kemmis Kemmis John H.W.S. Pincher Creek
Frank S. Leffingwell Leffingwell Frank S. Warner
Prosper E. 'Pete' Lessard Lessard Prosper E. 'Pete' St. Paul
James R. Lowery Lowery James R. Alexandra
Frederick W. Lundy Lundy Frederick W. Stony Plain
Roberta MacAdams MacAdams Roberta Province-at-Large/Soldiers and Nurses Overseas
Gordon Macdonald Macdonald Gordon Pembina
Alexander G. MacKay MacKay Alexander G. Athabasca
Duncan M. Marshall Marshall Duncan M. Olds
Joseph S. McCallum McCallum Joseph S. Vegreville
John A. McColl McColl John A. Acadia
Louise C. McKinney McKinney Louise C. Claresholm
Archibald J. McLean McLean Archibald J. Taber
James McNaughton McNaughton James Little Bow
Edward Michener Michener Edward Red Deer
George Mills Mills George Athabasca
Charles R. Mitchell Mitchell Charles R. Bow Valley
Hugh J. Montgomery Montgomery Hugh J. Wetaskiwin
Alexander Moore Moore Alexander Cochrane
Daniel J. Morkeberg Morkeberg Daniel J. Innisfail
Robert Pearson Pearson Robert Province-at-Large/Soldiers and Nurses Overseas
Charles S. Pingle Pingle Charles S. Redcliff
Edward H. Prudden Prudden Edward H. Stettler
William A. Rae Rae William A. Peace River
James Ramsey Ramsey James East Edmonton
Alexander Ross Ross Alexander Centre Calgary
Andrew S. Shandro Shandro Andrew S. Whitford
Arthur L.W. Sifton Sifton Arthur L.W. Vermilion
George Skelding Skelding George Macleod
George P. Smith Smith George P. Camrose
Nelson Spencer Spencer Nelson Medicine Hat
George D. Stanley Stanley George D. High River
Joseph E. State State Joseph E. Clearwater
John S. Stewart Stewart John S. Lethbridge City
Charles Stewart Stewart Charles Sedgewick
Stanley G. Tobin Tobin Stanley G. Leduc
James G. Turgeon Turgeon James G. Ribstone
Francis A. Walker Walker Francis A. Victoria
James Weir Weir James Nanton
William W. Wilson Wilson William W. Coronation
Martin Woolf Woolf Martin Cardston
Lac Ste. Anne
South Calgary
St. Albert
Rocky Mountain
South Edmonton
North Calgary
Hand Hills
West Edmonton
Beaver River
Pincher Creek
Province-at-Large/Soldiers and Nurses Overseas
Province-at-Large/Soldiers and Nurses Overseas
Peace River
East Edmonton
Centre Calgary
Medicine Hat
Lethbridge City
2/25/2025 1:38 PM

Learn about the role of an MLA

The 87 elected Members of the Legislative Assembly serve all Albertans; the representative in a given constituency is best positioned to advocate on behalf of each of their constituents.
The role of an MLA

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