
Members of the Legislative Assembly represent people from each of Alberta’s 87 constituencies or electoral districts for the term of a Legislature.

Albertans expect and deserve the highest standard of public service from their elected representatives. Steadfast in their duty, MLAs spend their time in office working hard to warrant and maintain that trust and confidence. MLAs advocate for their constituents on provincial issues.

The last provincial election was held on May 29, 2023.

Find Your MLA

  Last Name First Name Constituency
William Aberhart Aberhart William Okotoks-High River
Frederick Anderson Anderson Frederick Calgary
Ronald E. Ansley Ansley Ronald E. Leduc
Herbert J. Ash Ash Herbert J. Olds
Floyd M. Baker Baker Floyd M. Clover Bar
Samuel A. G. B. Barnes Barnes Samuel A. G. B. Edmonton
Joseph W. Beaudry Beaudry Joseph W. St. Paul
Selmer A. Berg Berg Selmer A. Alexandra
Albert L. Blue Blue Albert L. Ribstone
Albert V. Bourcier Bourcier Albert V. Lac Ste. Anne
John J. Bowlen Bowlen John J. Calgary
Harry K. Brown Brown Harry K. Pembina
Wilson E. Cain Cain Wilson E. Bow Valley
Samuel W. Calvert Calvert Samuel W. Victoria
Peter M. Campbell Campbell Peter M. Lethbridge City
William N. Chant Chant William N. Camrose
Charles C. Cockroft Cockroft Charles C. Stettler
Wallace W. Cross Cross Wallace W. Hand Hills
Peter Dawson Dawson Peter Little Bow
David M. Duggan Duggan David M. Edmonton
L. Ernest Oscar Duke Duke L. Ernest Oscar Rocky Mountain
William A. Fallow Fallow William A. Vermilion
Albert E. Fee Fee Albert E. Sedgewick
August W. Flamme Flamme August W. Cypress
Edward P. Foster Foster Edward P. Didsbury
Leonidas A. Giroux Giroux Leonidas A. Grouard
Edith H. Gostick Gostick Edith H. Calgary
Edward L. Gray Gray Edward L. Edmonton
James Hansen Hansen James Taber
James Hartley Hartley James Macleod
Harry O. Haslam Haslam Harry O. Nanton-Claresholm
William E. Hayes Hayes William E. Stony Plain
Charles G. Holder Holder Charles G. St. Albert
Alfred J. Hooke Hooke Alfred J. Red Deer
William R. Howson Howson William R. Edmonton
John W. Hugill Hugill John W. Calgary
Herbert Ingrey Ingrey Herbert Drumheller
John Irwin Irwin John Calgary
Norman B. James James Norman B. Acadia
William R. King King William R. Cochrane
William J. Lampley Lampley William J. Peace River
Solon E. Low Low Solon E. Warner
David Lush Lush David Empress
Glenville L. MacLachlan MacLachlan Glenville L. Coronation
Alban E. MacLellan MacLellan Alban E. Innisfail
D. Bruce MacMillan MacMillan D. Bruce Lacombe
Ernest C. Manning Manning Ernest C. Calgary
William Masson Masson William Wainwright
J. Lucien P. Maynard Maynard J. Lucien P. Beaver River
Isaac M. McCune McCune Isaac M. Gleichen
James L. McPherson McPherson James L. Vegreville
Walter Morrish Morrish Walter Edmonton
William Morrison Morrison William Okotoks-High River
David B. Mullen Mullen David B. Edmonton
C. Gerald O'Connor O'Connor C. Gerald Edmonton
James M. Popil Popil James M. Sturgeon
John L. 'Doc' Robinson Robinson John L. 'Doc' Medicine Hat
Edith B. Rogers Rogers Edith B. Ponoka
Charles C. Ross Ross Charles C. Athabasca
William Sharpe Sharpe William Grande Prairie
Clarence H. Tade Tade Clarence H. Athabasca
N. Eldon Tanner Tanner N. Eldon Cardston
Roy C. Taylor Taylor Roy C. Pincher Creek
William Tomyn Tomyn William Whitford
Joseph R. H. Tremblay Tremblay Joseph R. H. Grouard
Joseph H. Unwin Unwin Joseph H. Edson
George H. Van Allen Van Allen George H. Edmonton
Hans E. N. Wight Wight Hans E. N. Lethbridge City
John A. Wingblade Wingblade John A. Wetaskiwin
Okotoks-High River
Clover Bar
Lac Ste. Anne
Bow Valley
Lethbridge City
Little Bow
Rocky Mountain
Stony Plain
Okotoks-High River
Grande Prairie
Pincher Creek
Lethbridge City
2/25/2025 1:37 PM

Learn about the role of an MLA

The 87 elected Members of the Legislative Assembly serve all Albertans; the representative in a given constituency is best positioned to advocate on behalf of each of their constituents.
The role of an MLA

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